

Page history last edited by Ray 3 years, 6 months ago

Rules: 2021 08 03 St Al's St Emily's League rules.docx


Ryder Cup Event Rules 

Holes 1-3: Net best ball (Your score card will be dotted)    
  Hole 1: Straightest Drive (Distance must reach the beginning of the line extending through green)
  Hole 2: Closest to pin in two shots (Must be on the green)  
  Hole 3: Closest to pin      
Holes 4-6: Alternate shot          
  Both players play the same ball (Only one ball)    
  Player “A” tees off.  Player “B” hits 2nd shot, Player “A” 3rd shot etc.   
   If player “A” finishes the hole, then Player “B” tees off on next hole.  
  Hole 4: Longest putt made      
  Hole 5: Longest putt made      
  Hole 6: Closet in 3  (Must be on the green)    
Holes 7-9: Scramble            
  The team takes two shots from each location.  You may move ball one club length from where
   ball lies, no closer to the hole, and you must stay  in the same terrain.  If the ball
   came to rest on the previous shot in the rough, then the next shots must be from the rough.
  Hole 7: Closest to the pin      
  Hole 8: Closest to pin in two shots (Must be on the green)  
  Hole 9: Closet in 3  (Must be on the green)    



When I copy and paste the rules they appear incorrectly.  I suggest you download the with the link in the sidebar. 






Revised July 29, 2021



Ray Drozdz - President

Phil McAndrew – Treasurer / Secretary



  1. Calendar of Events:


  1. Holiday Weekends:




  1. Golfing Fees:


  1. DUES:


  • ·        


  • ·         SIGNING BONUS:


  1. Absence:


  1. League play:




  • ·         Individual Payouts:

                                          i.        Will be paid $.0x amount per point throughout regular season.

  • ·         Playoff Payouts:

                                        ii.        Will be paid a set amount based on final standings of league playoffs.


  1.  Payout Money Not Collected:


  1. Handicaps:


10. Flight Adjustment: There is no flighting based on the way the league is constructed.


11. Officers: Each year the league membership shall elect officers for the following positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Special Events.  




12. INDIVIDUAL MATCH PLAY SERIES (Not currently done)

  • ·         This competition is optional
  • ·         Handicaps will be used
  • ·         We will have a 4 week match play series event in the middle of the season
  • ·         There will be a $40 entrance fee per golfer
    • o   Entrance fee must be paid before series start
    • o   Pay in the pro shop or drop your entrance fee in the golf mailbox 2 weeks prior to 1st competition date
    • o   Please attach a note that these funds are for the match play competition
    • o   Only an even number of entrants will be allowed
    • o   Last odd man out to pay shall not be allowed to compete and receive a refund
    • ·        
    • ·         No flighting
    • ·         Computer will pick 2 man pairings
    • ·         Call, email or text your opponent so you can play with him
    • ·         I
    • ·        
    • ·         Golfer with the highest point total at the end of 4 week competition will be declared Match Play winner
      • o   In case of a tie, golfers scorecards from last round played on same 9 will be compared
      • o   Lowest net scores from last individual holes played going backwards shall determine winner
        • § 


13. STABLEFORD COMPETITION (Player vs Course): Points will be awarded as stated below. If you are curious on what your net score is on a hole you can ask many members and they will be happy to show you how to dot your scorecard.

  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·         Net double bogey = 0
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        


14. PLAYER VS FIELD COMPETITION: Your net 9 hole score will be compared to every other golfer who played that day and you will be rewarded 2 points for every other golfer you scored better than and 1 point for every player you tied.


15. POINTS ACCUMULATION FOR STANDINGS & PAYOUTS: Totals will be a regular season long accumulation.  8 rounds played, lowest point total dropped.  10 rounds played, 2 lowest point totals dropped.  12 rounds played, 3 lowest point totals dropped.  This means that if you miss some weeks or play really bad, your point totals will not be hurt as much.  They do not include playoffs.  Points will be posted weekly on the web site. 



  • ·         Summary: 

                                          i.        1st Round: All league members eligible 

                                        ii.        2nd Round: Top 16 

                                       iii.        3rd Round: Top 8 

                                       iv.        4th A Round: Top 4, first half of Final Competition 

                                        v.        4th B Round: Top 4, Final Competition 

  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·         First Round 

                                          i.        All golfers’ points for playoff calculation purposes are reset to zero.   

                                        ii.        All league members will be awarded BONUS points based on their rankings at the end of the regular season.  For example: If we had 40 golfers: Top ranked golfer from regular season gets 40 points going into 1st Round.  Next ranked golfer gets 39 bonus points, etc.   

                                       iii.        The BONUS points will be added to the points the golfer earns in the 1st Round to determine total points for the 1st Round.   

                                       iv.        The top 16 point leaders will advance to 2nd round. 


  • ·         Second Round 

                                          i.        The top 16 point leaders from 1st Round will compete.  Points reset to zero. 

                                        ii.        The 16 competitors will be awarded BONUS points based on their rankings at the end of the regular season.  The top ranked golfer left from regular season gets 8 points going into 2nd Round.  Next ranked golfer gets 7.5 BONUS points, etc.   

  2.  The top 16 advanced to 2nd Round 

                                       iii.        The bonus points will be added to the points the golfer earned in the 2nd Round to determine total points for the 2nd Round.   

                                       iv.        The top 8 point leaders will advance to 3rd Round. 

                                        v.        Players 17, 18, 19 etc… should play in case someone from top 16 are absent. 


  • ·         Third Round 

                                          i.        The top 8 point leaders from 2nd Round will compete.  Points reset to zero. 

                                        ii.        No BONUS points are awarded for the third round.

                                       iii.        Golfer needs to play with at least one other golfer remaining in the playoffs. 

                                       iv.        Players 9, 10, 11 etc… should play in case someone from top 8 are absent. 


  • ·         Fourth A & Fourth B Round

                                          i.        The top 4 point leaders from 3rd Round compete.

                                        ii.        No BONUS points are awarded for the finals.

                                       iii.        All golfers in the final 4 must play together.  Does not matter which day, work it out among the 4 of you to get both rounds in or play 18 in one day.

                                       iv.        If you are having difficulties scheduling, consult the officers.

                                        v.        Cumulative points from round 4A & 4B will determine a winner.  Golfers will play the front and back 9’s for the finals.


  • ·        


17. Hole in one competition:  If any golfer gets a hole in one during the season, he wins the honor of buying everyone in the clubhouse a drink. 


18. Weekly competitions:  (Every Week)


  • ·         Contest (Closet to the PIN):
  • ·         Longest putt made:


19. Weekly competitions: 2 of the 4 contests will occur on regularly scheduled nights. 


  • ·         Contest (Closet to the PIN in 2):
  • ·         Contest (Closet to the PIN in 3):
  • ·         Straightest Drive:
  • ·         Longest Drive:


20. Contest (GROSS SKINS)(Optional): There will be an optional skins game played each week for all members wishing to participate.  Fee is $5.00 per week and the pot will be split each week among those winning a skin. If golfer “tees it forward”, they are not eligible for the gross skins game.


21. Contest (NET SKINS)(Optional): There will be an optional NET skins game played each week based on the participants handicaps for that particular week of play. This is open for all members wishing to participate.  Fee is $5.00 per week and the pot will be split each week among those winning a skin.


22. Skins & Net Skins: You can be in either game ($5) or both ($10 / week).  You cannot however, change from one to another weekly, in one week, out the next.  All are welcome to join; however, once you decide to play in the skins, you are in for the rest of the regular season. If you play your official round on a Friday, you must pay for the skins games that you are in.  If you refuse to pay, or quit for any reason other than a special consideration, you are out and cannot get back in for the rest of the season.  If you play your official round earlier in the week you are not eligible for the skins game that week, therefore you do not pay.  If you don’t play that week, you do not have to pay.  If your official round was earlier in the week and you play on Fridayanyway, you are not eligible for the skins games but you are still eligible for the weekly competitions (CTP’s, straightest, longest putt etc…).  If you want to opt out of the skins games during the season, you may, by notifying the league officers by email.  You then will be out of the skins games for the entire season with no chance to come back in. This is a separate competition and the computer will tabulate results.



23. Ringer Competition:The computer takes the best gross score on each hole for each golfer during the season and builds a golfer’s best possible round. Example: If at the end of the season you have parred every hole at one point and time during the season, no birdies, your ringer score would be 70, OOCC par 70. The golfer with the lowest ringer score on the front, back and both 9’s wins a prize.


24. Collection of Game Fees: Fees for skins will be collected by OOCC in the pro shop at the counter by OOCC personal.


25. Weekly Payouts: Payouts will be awarded by check in the OOCC pro shop in an envelope located on the counter the following Friday for pick up.


26. Playoff Cancellations: If a playoff night is canceled for any reason the round shall be played on the next scheduled night of play for golf.


27. Prizes:  There will be prizes awarded at the end of the season for various accomplishments.  Cash prizes will be determined at the end of the season by the league officers, based on funds available in the treasury.  Payouts will take place at the end of season golf outing and / or at the last scheduled night of play.


  • ·        

                                          i.        This will help alleviate the problem of massive point earners but not get rid of it.  Golfer joins league with no handicap, plays great the 1st few weeks, earning high points, low net score.





28. Each week, use an OOCC scorecard.  Write legibly the date, your first and last name on it. Have someone in your group sign the card at the end of the round to attest your score.

  • ·        




29. OOCC or an officer will email a message to the entire league if there is a delay due to an outing or weather conditions.  They will also inform us if the course happens to be cart path only for the day.


30. Tee-off times will run from 3:45 pm until 5:00pm each week.



  • ·        
  • ·          
  • ·         Under Special Consideration 2
  • ·        
  • ·        


32. On occasion, OOCC may have a large outing that may not allow for us to get our round in on Friday.  In that case we will try and move our round to a day earlier in the week.  Points may or may not count depending on our golfer participation on that day.


33. SHOTGUNS: There will be a few occasions when we will have to wait until 5:00 pm to SHOTGUN start our league.  Old Orchard Management has promised to give us plenty of warning about those nights. If we have a shotgun at a specified time and an outing encroaches on that time, OOCC and the league officers will confer and decide if the delay warrants free carts for that day, compliments of OOCC.

  • ·        





  • ·         We will be utilizing the Tee It Forward program to establish the proper tee box for players as an option
  • ·         If a golfer wants to utilize the program, they must be assessed by OOCC staff
  • ·        
  • ·         The league will then post the players name and tee box for which they will play from on the website
  • ·        
  • ·         If you use the tee it forward program you may not be in either of the skins games
  • ·         Once you play from the play it forward tees, you must tee off from those the entire season


35. SCORECARD: The scorecard at the end of the round shall be verified and signed by players in the group and turned into the league secretary or deposited in the mail lock box at the end of the evenings play.  CARDS NOT TURNED IN ON THE SCHEDULED NIGHT OF PLAY WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR INDIVIDUAL POINTS.

  • ·        


36. SCORE CALCULATION: The computer will add up an individual’s score hole by hole and tabulate a total score.  The computer calculated score will be used regardless of what players have written down and attested to.





38. It is most important for the enjoyment of all league members that common courtesies and normal golf etiquette be extended by all, to all players. DO NOT PLAY A FIVESOME (unless you are in the last group of our league to tee off and it is OK’d by the Old Orchard staff)!


39. KEEP PACE!!!!!  Please do not leave gaps between you and the group in front of you.




40. NOTE: We will ALWAYS be on the side of caution when it comes to lightning and the warning sirens.  Lightning can strike even with clear skies.  We do not want golfers to feel pressured to play if they feel uncomfortable with the weather conditions.


41. If the course is open, golf will be played.  If inclement weather is imminent, please contact the golf course before you come as to whether or not play is called off.  (OOCC 847-255-2025)  If the league officers and / or Old Orchard staff determine it is necessary to cancel play, either before play is scheduled to begin or at any time prior to finishing the minimum six holes, NO SCORES WILL COUNT TOWARD POINTS!  If scores are considered null and void, so will the skins game, weekly competitions and CTP’s.

  • ·         WARNING SIREN:

                                          i.        ONE LONG BLAST – SEEK SHELTER, GET OFF THE COURSE IMMEDIATELY 

                                        ii.        THREE 5 SECOND BLASTS – ALL CLEAR.  You are free to resume play. 

  • ·        


42. STARTING & STOPPAGE OF PLAY: A possible situation in which inclement weather is ongoing during a round of golf which forces stoppage of play & starting again repeatedly. This results in groups of golfers not completing their round.  A minimum of half the field needs to complete the round for scores, points, skins, weekly competitions and ctp’s to count for that evening.  If a player quits during a round Mr. Par scores will fill in the remaining holes. A golfer needs to complete at least 6 holes for that round to count.


43. Mr. Par shoots an average score of the golfers in the field that night.  The score posted for individual players will be Mr. Par’s score minus strokes given to that individual.


44. If a golfer does not finish and half the field completes their round, the golfer will still qualify for closest to the pin or skins for the holes he has completed.  If a golfer completes 3 holes there is no refund on skins.


45. A round shall consist of nine holes. If darkness or inclement weather does not allow completion of nine holes, the computer will fill in the remaining scores for the holes with Mr. PAR.  DO NOT enter any scores for uncompleted holes. 


46. Golfer scoring & point earning due to a stoppage

  • ·        


47. RAINOUTS: If regular league play gets rained out (not a playoff night) for a given week, that round is over.  The season will not be extended.




48. In case of a dispute over an application of the rules, the involved players must bring the matter to the attention of the League Officers on the night of the alleged infraction, or, if later, the player must protest in writing / email to the League President.  Protests will be considered and ruled upon by the rules committee. The rules committee shall consist of the league officers. All judgments are final. If you want someone to blame, blame the French judge.


49. Disputed ball / penalty on course: If there is a question about play in the middle of a round we suggest playing an alternate ball as well (2 balls) until the completion of that hole.  Play both balls for that hole and mark down the score for each on the scorecard and note which ball is which.  Bring up the matter with the officers ASAP to come up with a determination ruling.


50. RELEASE OF LIABILITY:In consideration for being allowed to participate in this activity, on behalf of golfer and the golfer’s next of kin, heirs and representatives, Golfers release from all liability and promise not to sue league officers, directors, volunteers and agents (collectively “League”) from any and all claims, including claims of the League’s negligence, resulting in any physical or psychological injury (including paralysis and death), illness, damages, or economic or emotional loss a Golfer may suffer because of their participation in this activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity.




51. Goal: Play round in 2 hours & 15 minutes or less

  • ·         Keep sight of the group in front of you, not behind
  • ·         If the group in front of you is in the fairway, your group should be on the tee
  • ·         Be ready to hit when group in front moves to next shot
  • ·         


52. On the Tee

  • ·         No “Honors”-(except in Match Play) The first player ready tees off
  • ·         Shorter hitter should hit first
  • ·         Carry an extra ball in case you need to re-tee


53. On the Fairway

  • ·         Drop off rider (with 2 or 3 clubs) Driver proceed to their ball
  • ·         Hit when ready, but safely, no “Honors”
  • ·         Shorter hitters should hit, if longer hitters are waiting
  • ·         Watch other players hit shots to avoid looking for golf balls


54. Lost Ball

  • ·        
  • ·         Do not take more than 3 minutes to find lost ball


55.  On the Green

  • ·         Park carts between green and next tee 
  • ·         If one player is having trouble around the green, others should putt up until player in trouble is ready
  • ·         Get ready to putt before it’s your turn
  • ·         Whenever possible continue putting until holed out
  • ·         1st player in the hole picks up the flag
  • ·         Move quickly off green, record scores at next tee 




St Al’s / St. Emily’s Men’s Golf League


Updated  March 5, 2020


Rule 7 - Ball Search: Finding and Identifying Ball

Rule 9 - Ball Played as It Lies; Ball at Rest Lifted or Moved


  • ·        

9.3  Ball Moved by Natural Forces

If natural forces (such as wind or water) cause your ball at rest to move, there is no penalty, and your ball must be played from its new spot.

Exception – If your ball on the putting greenmoves after you have already lifted and replaced it, the ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated).

9.4  Ball Lifted or Moved by You

b. Penalty for Lifting or Deliberately Touching Your Ball or Causing It to Move

If you lift or deliberately touch your ball at rest or cause it to move, you get one penalty stroke.

But there are four exceptions where you get no penalty for doing so:

Exception 1 – When You are Allowed to Lift or Move Ball.

Exception 2 – Accidental Movement Before Ball Is Found.

Exception 3 – Accidental Movement on Putting Green.

Exception 4 – Accidental Movement Anywhere Except on Putting Green While Applying Rule.

            NO penalty accidentally hitting ball when teeing off or on putting green.  Replace ball to original place.  One stroke penalty hitting ball accidentally anywhere else on course.  Replace ball to original place.

12.1  When Your Ball Is in Bunker

a. Removing Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions

Before playing your ball in a bunker, you may remove loose impediments and movable obstructions.

b. Restrictions on Touching Sand in Bunker

Before making a stroke at your ball in a bunker, you must not:

  • ·         Deliberately touch sand in the bunker with your hand, a club or rake or any other object to test the condition of the sand and learn information for your next stroke, or
  • ·         Touch sand in the bunker with your club:
    • ·         In the area right in front of or right behind your ball (except as allowed in fairly searching for your ball or in removing a loose impediment or movable obstruction),
    • ·         In making a practice swing, or
    • ·         In making your backswing for a stroke.

Except as covered in the two bullets above, the following actions are allowed:

  • ·         Digging in with your feet to take a stance for a practice swing or the stroke,
  • ·         Smoothing the bunker to care for the course,
  • ·         Placing your clubs, equipment or other objects in the bunker (whether by throwing or setting them down),
  • ·         Measuring, marking, lifting, replacing or taking other actions under a Rule,
  • ·         Leaning on a club to rest, stay balanced or prevent a fall, or
  • ·         Striking the sand in frustration or anger.

But you get the general penalty if your actions in touching the sand improve the conditions affecting your stroke.



Rule 13 - Putting Greens


d. When Your Ball or Ball-Marker Moves on Putting Green

There is no penalty if you, your opponent or another player in stroke play accidentally move your ball or ball-marker on the putting green.

You must replace your ball on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated) or place a ball-marker to mark that original spot.

Exception – Your Ball Must Be Played as It Lies When It Begins to Move During Your Backswing or Stroke and the Stroke Is Made.

If natural forces cause your ball on the putting green to move, where you must play from next depends on whether your ball had already been lifted and replaced on its original spot:

  • ·         Ball already lifted and replaced – Your ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated).
  • ·         Ball not already lifted and replaced

c. Ball Resting Against Flagstick in Hole

If your ball comes to rest against the flagstick left in the hole, and any part of your ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green, your ball is treated as holed.

Rule 14 - Procedures for Ball: Marking, Lifting and Cleaning; Replacing on Spot; Dropping in Relief Area; Playing from Wrong Place

14.3  Dropping Ball in Relief Area

c. Ball Dropped in Right Way Must Come to Rest in Relief Area

This Rule applies only when a ball is dropped in the right way under Rule 14.3b.

When You Have Completed Taking Relief. You have only completed taking relief when your ball dropped in the right way comes to rest in the relief area.

It does not matter whether your ball, after hitting the ground, touches any person, equipment or other outside influence before coming to rest:

  • ·         If your ball comes to rest in the relief area
  • ·         If your ball comes to rest outside the relief area, see below “What to Do if Ball Dropped in Right Way Comes to Rest Outside Relief Area”.

In either case, there is no penalty to any player.

What to Do if Ball Dropped in Right Way Comes to Rest Outside Relief Area. You must drop a ball in the right way a second time, and if that ball also comes to rest outside the relief area, you must then complete taking relief by:

  • ·         Placing a ball on the spot where the ball dropped
  • ·        
  • ·         If the ball placed a second time also does not stay on that spot, you must place a ball on the nearest spot where the ball will stay at rest, subject to the limits in .


Rule 15 - Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions (including Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play)

15.1  Loose Impediments

a. Removal of Loose Impediment

You may remove a loose impediment without penalty anywhere on or off the course, and may do so in any way (such as by using your hand or foot or a club or other equipment).

But there are two exceptions:

Exception 1 – Removing Loose Impediment Where Ball Must Be Replaced.

Exception 2 – Restrictions on Deliberately Removing Loose Impediments to Affect Ball in Motion.

b. Ball Moved When Removing Loose Impediment

If your removal of a loose impediment causes your ball to move, your ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated).

If your moved ball had been at rest anywhere except on the putting green or in the teeing area, you get one penalty stroke.

15.2  Movable Obstructions

a. Relief from Movable Obstruction

Removal of Movable Obstruction. You may remove a movable obstruction without penalty anywhere on or off the course and may do so in any way.

If your ball moves while you are removing a movable obstruction, there is no penalty and your ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated).



Rule 16 - Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions), Dangerous Animal Condition, Embedded Ball

This Rule covers free relief that is allowed from interference by animal holesground under repairimmovable obstructions or temporary water.

These are collectively called abnormal course conditions, but each has a separate Definition.

a. When Relief Is Allowed

Interference exists when any one of these is true:

There is no free relief from an abnormal course condition when the abnormal course condition is out of bounds or your ball is in a penalty area.

c. Relief for Your Ball in Bunker

If your ball is in a bunker and there is interference by an abnormal course condition on the course, you may take either:

e. Relief for Your Ball Not Found but in or on Abnormal Course Condition

If your ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certain that your ball came to rest in or on an abnormal course condition on the course, you may take relief under Rule 16.1bc or d. You do this by using the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the abnormal course condition on the course as the reference point.

16.3  Embedded Ball

a. When Relief Is Allowed

Relief is allowed only when your ball is embedded in the general areaBut if your ball is embedded on the putting green, you may mark the spot of your ball, lift and clean it, repair the damage, and replace your ball on its original spot.

Your ball is embedded only if it is in its own pitch-mark made as a result of your previous stroke and part of your ball is below the level of the ground.

b. Relief for Embedded Ball

When your ball is embedded in the general area, you may take free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball as shown in Diagram 16.3b.



Rule 17 - Penalty Areas

17.1  Options for Your Ball in Penalty Area

c. Relief for Your Ball Not Found but in Penalty Area

If your ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certain that it came to rest in a penalty area you may take penalty relief under this Rule.

But if it is not known or virtually certain that your ball came to rest in a penalty area and the ball is lost, you must take stroke-and-distance relief.



Rule 18 - Stroke-and-Distance Relief; Ball Lost or Out of Bounds; Provisional Ball

18.1  Relief Under Penalty of Stroke and Distance Allowed at Any Time

At any time, you may take stroke-and-distance relief. Once you put another ball in play under penalty of stroke and distance, your original ball is no longer in play and must not be played. This is true even if your original ball is then found on the course before the end of the three-minute search time.

b. What to Do When Your Ball Is Lost or Out of Bounds

If your ball is lost or out of bounds, you must take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).

18.3  Provisional Ball

a. When Provisional Ball Is Allowed

If your ball might be lost outside a penalty area or be out of bounds, to save time you may play another ball provisionally under penalty of stroke and distance.



  • ·         RAKE YOUR SAND TRAPS (see SANDTRAPS rule, above)






E-5 Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds

For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in this relief area (see Rule 14.3):

Two Estimated Reference Points:

a. Ball Reference Point: The point where the original ball is estimated to have:

  • Come to rest on the course, or
  • Last crossed the edge of the course boundary to go out of bounds.

b. Fairway Reference Point
: The point of fairway of the hole being played that is nearest to the ball reference point, but is not nearer the hole than the ball reference point.

For purposes of this Local Rule, “fairway” means any area of grass in the general area that is cut to fairway height or less.

If a ball is estimated to be lost on the course or last crossed the edge of the course boundary short of the fairway, the fairway reference point may be a grass path or a teeing ground for the hole being played cut to fairway height or less.

Size of Relief Area Based on Reference Points: Anywhere between:

  • A line from the hole through the ball reference point (and within two club-lengths to the outside of that line), and
  • A line from the hole through the fairway reference point (and within two club-lengths to the fairway side of that line).    




  • ·         DO NOT 
  • ·         HOLES #4, #6, #9 & #17: 
  • ·         ENTIRE COURSE:
  • ·         HOLE #17 Back tee rule: 






Handicap % Regular: 96  Subs: 96


Enter hole by hole scores? YES


# of scores handicap based on: 6




Minimum # of scores needed: 1




Calculate Instantaneous Handicap


0 <Points per hole


0 <Points for medal (Best Net)


# of Scores




0 <Points for match (Most Holes)












Points per hole

Stroke play





0 <1st Place

0 <1st Place





0 <2nd Place

0 <2nd Place





0 <3rd Place

0 <3rd Place





0 <4th Place

0 <4th place







Max Handicap for Men: 25


Teams play 1 versus 1


Max Handicap for Women: 20




Round Handicaps (7.51 -> 8)


0 <Points per hole


0 <Points for medal (Best Net)


Stroke Reduction Per Hole


0 <Points for match (Most Holes)


NEW USGA Equitable Stroke Control




0 <Points per hole


Strokes applied on scorecard...


0 <Points for medal (Best Net)


Player vs Course


0 <Points for match (Most Holes)






4 <Double Eagle or less


3 <Eagle


2 <Birdie


1 <Par


0 <Bogey


0 <Double Bogey








2 <Point for net score under par


1 <Point for net score equal to par




2 <Point for each player beat


1 <Point for each player tied


0 <1st, 0 <2nd, 0 <3rd, etc...


0 <Point for each team beat


0 <Point for each team tied


Use all scores for team total




0 <Points for showing up (Regular)


0 <Points for showing up (Substitute)


Player's TOTAL points are sum of


All events


Team's TOTAL points


Drop 0 low player points on each team


Drop 0 high player points on each team


Points a sub wins go to him \ herself.


Play against course\field



Home     Schedule      Team Roster     Match Results      Gross Skins     Net Skins    CTP Results


Ringer Report        Individual Standings      Stableford Points      Team Standings       Course Results


Rules       OOCC Scorecard       End Of Season Golf Outing      Playoffs

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